

04 Apr 2017

Great example of cooperation with France in terms of Search & Rescue


Exercise ‘Resilient Islands’ is a large scale multi-agency exercise which incorporates the MOD UK Bi-annual Ops Defence Regional Resilience Exercise (CAST).

The overarching scenario is based around an at sea collision between a cruise ship and a passenger ferry in Jersey Territorial Waters. This resulted in both vessels being disabled and subsequently a fire starting on board the ferry.

It also involves initiating military assistance in terms of maritime resilience capabilities and repatriation of passengers and UK Government support from the Resilience Emergencies Division (RED) of the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) and activation of the Emergencies Council. The exercise took place in Jersey between the 6th & 10th March 2017.

It is in this context that the Préfecture Maritime de la Manche et de la mer du Nord (PREMAR) participated the exercise by providing their helicopter to help making this exercise a success. This comes to reinforce the close cooperation between French and Jersey sea Rescue services.

In addition to that, thanks to the cooperation between PREMAR’s helicopter and Jersey rescue services, a Jersey woman’s life was saved from falling in Grosnez’s cliffs on 3rd April.


Guernsey's Bailiff and other island officials